*************** Citing Stingray *************** Citations are still the main currency of the academic world, and *the* best way to ensure that Stingray continues to be supported and we can continue to work on it. If you use Stingray in data analysis leading to a publication, we ask that you cite *both* a `DOI `_, which points to the software itself, *and* our papers describing the Stingray project. DOI === If possible, we ask that you cite a DOI corresponding to the specific version of Stingray that you used to carry out your analysis. .. include:: _zenodo.rst If this isn't possible — for example, because you worked with an unreleased version of the code — you can cite Stingray's `concept DOI `__, `10.5281/zenodo.1490116 `__ (`BibTeX `__), which will always resolve to the latest release. Papers ====== Please cite both of the following papers: .. raw:: html Other Useful References ======================= .. raw:: html Stingray is listed in the Astrophysics Source Code Library. Copy the corresponding BibTeX to clipboard.